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What if you were told that your ongoing or severe lower back pain didn’t necessarily require a big operation?


That there are multiple options for healing certain types of lower back pain? Wouldn’t you want to know all your options before making such an important decision?

Knowing your options before you have surgery means that you’ve made the best decision for you. That’s why we recommend reading our comprehensive guide, Lumbar Back Surgery: Less Invasive Procedures May Result in Better Outcomes.

In it, you’ll find topics such as:

  • The importance of exploring your options.
  • How to determine if you’ve received the right diagnosis.
  • What options are available to you, including:
    • Conservative treatments (effective 60-70 percent of the time!).
    • Lumbar spinal fusion surgery.
    • Lumbar artificial disc replacement.
    • Lumbar decompression surgeries.

An informed patient is a confident, relaxed patient who knows that they’ve worked with their doctor to make the best possible decision.

Download the Guide