DISC Sports & Spine Center Blog

Stress Healthy Senior Living During National Physical Therapy Month

Written by Blog | Sep 30, 2013 9:24:22 PM

Every month has some type of designation, and October is no different:  among other things, the month has been labeled National Physical Therapy Month.  It’s a great time for people who have thought about but never made the leap to physical therapy to take account of their circumstances to determine if such a venture is right for them.

A new report has come out timed to the month, and it seeks to offer senior citizens a variety of tips geared toward improving health.  Many of the tips hinge on getting active, which we definitely encourage for those who can do so in a healthy manner.  It’s important to exercise in a smart way that will minimize injury potential rather than exacerbate the risk.

One of the biggest changes to your lifestyle that can pay dividends in terms of health is to simply get up and moving around more often.  This could be as simple as walking around your block or around the house at regular intervals.  This kind of activity gets your blood flowing and your muscles the movement they need to stay in good shape.  Take the stairs when you’re able to, and park further away when you’re out running an errand.

If you’ve reached a certain age, doing this in the safest manner possible will involve speaking with a healthcare professional to arrive at the regimen that’s right for you.  He or she could advise you on simple stretches and workout routines that your body will thank you for.  In doing, you also protect yourself from maneuvers that may not be deemed wise.

The report also offers some more tips that center on specific actions that can help your health with very minute alterations to your habits.  If you’re sitting down and want to get out of the chair, for instance, you can lean your upper body forward first rather than put all the stress on your legs while you’re in the seated position.

When you’re lifting something, you want to put the weight on your legs rather than on your back.  That means that bending downward with your back should be minimized while bending with your knees should be encouraged.  Don’t twist as you’re lifting.

You should also know when enough is enough.  Exercise is good, unless it’s tiring you out and making you sore to the point where it hurts to get around.  If something has left you out of breath, it’s perfectly fine to rest for awhile.  When you’re out and about, keep an eye out on various fall hazards so that you don’t take an inopportune tumble, and be willing to ask for assistance for certain activities that are beyond your reach.