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Why You Should Get 'Hip' to Yoga Injuries

By Dr. Joseph Horrigan | Huffington Post | View Full Article

In Dr. Joesph Horrigan's newest article for The Huffington Post, he focuses on yoga and how it can lead to hip injuries, including CAM femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and an acetabular labral tear.  These types of injuries occur when the hip's range of motion is pushed.

Some people have extra bone at the junction of the ball and the femoral neck, which can impact the roof of the socket, causing an impingement.  The impingement in the joint can chip off fragments of cartilage and tear the cartilage ring around the socket, causing hip pain for many people.  If you have any hip joint discomfort during a yoga exercise, pushing through the pain can cause more damage.

Click here to read the entire article on The Huffington Post.


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discmdgroup DISC Sports and Spine Center (DISC) is one of America’s foremost providers of minimally invasive spine procedures and advanced arthroscopic techniques. Our individually picked, highly specialized physicians apply both established and innovative solutions to diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate their patients in a one-stop, multi-disciplinary setting. With a wide range of specialists under one roof, the result is an unmatched continuity of care with more efficiency, less stress for the patient, and a zero MRSA infection rate. Read more articles by discmdgroup.

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