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Hyalgan Fluid Joint Therapy

If simple painkillers, exercise and physical therapy doesn’t give you adequate relief from osteoarthritis knee pain, Hyalgan could be the right treatment for you. Hyalgan, which is injected into the knee joint, is approved for the treatment of the symptoms of knee pain due to osteoarthritis. Hyalgan comes from the class of products known also as hyaluronic acid, sodium hyaluronate or hyaluronans.

If both knees have pain, Hyalgan can be injected into each knee at the same time or different times, per the doctor’s recommendation. When given, Hyalgan is administered between three to five times, each injection given one week apart. The knee contains synovial fluid, which cushions and lubricates the joint during movement. Osteoarthritis starts breaking down the fluid, making the joint painful because of the loss of synovial fluid, which is mostly composed of hyaluronic acid. Hyalgan helps to increase the amount of synovial fluid when it is injected directly into the knee joint of the patient.

While some have pain relief within the first week of the injection, typically most patients experience relief after the third Hyalgan injection. The duration of pain relief varies among patient to patient but most patients who’ve had five injections have up to 6 months of pain relief.

What to expect with your HYALGAN® injection

HYALGAN® injections give you long-lasting relief of osteoarthritis knee pain

  • HYALGAN® can provide long-lasting pain relief for up to 6 months
  • HYALGAN® can be safely used for up to 30 months

HYALGAN® is a safe choice

HYALGAN® is not a drug. Its principal component is a naturally derived substance called hyaluronan that relieves your pain by lubricating and cushioning your knee joint. Hyaluronan is a natural chemical found in the body and is present in a particularly high amount in joint tissues and in the fluid that fills the joint (also called synovial fluid). HYALGAN® is injected directly into the knee.

HYALGAN® injections work differently than oral pain medications. HYALGAN® does not pass through your bloodstream to work. Because HYALGAN® is injected directly into your knee, it does not cause stomach bleeding problems like some pain medications.

  • HYALGAN® does not interfere with any other medicines you may be taking for osteoarthritis or other conditions
  • HYALGAN® has been shown to be safe for repeat treatment in a 30-month study

HYALGAN® has been safely used for 24 years worldwide. Approximately 38 million injections have been given.

How does osteoarthritis (OA) damage your knee?

Normally, smooth, firm tissue called cartilage covers and protects the ends of your bones. The fluid in the joint contains a substance called hyaluronate (hī-ə-ˈlūr-ə-ˌnāt), which acts as a "shock absorber" and lubricant so that the knee joint can work properly.

When you have OA of the knee:

  • The joint fluid may lose its ability to protect the joint

  • Smooth cartilage that normally protects the ends of the knee bones may lose its cushioning effect or become pitted and frayed. Large areas of cartilage may even wear away completely, so the bones scrape painfully over each other

  • Cartilage breakdown may cause the joint to lose its shape, and the bone ends may thicken and form bony spurs

  • Fragments of bone or cartilage may float in the joint space, causing further damage and pain

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About the author

discmdgroup DISC Sports and Spine Center (DISC) is one of America’s foremost providers of minimally invasive spine procedures and advanced arthroscopic techniques. Our individually picked, highly specialized physicians apply both established and innovative solutions to diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate their patients in a one-stop, multi-disciplinary setting. With a wide range of specialists under one roof, the result is an unmatched continuity of care with more efficiency, less stress for the patient, and a zero MRSA infection rate. Read more articles by discmdgroup.

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