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Improving Your Workout So That Injuries Are Less Likely

Exercising the right way is more important than just exercising.  The human body is built to allow certain movements, and when someone takes part in a workout without the proper knowledge of their body’s abilities and limitations, they could be injured.  Thankfully, a recent report outlines those workout maneuvers that typically lead to their fair share of injuries and what can be done to avoid harm.

First up is box jumps, where someone essentially jumps on and off various platforms.  The problem lies in the landing.  An orthopedic surgeon who spoke at length for the report explains that repeated jumps tend to cause the person to lose the proper landing form they’d have on just a single jump.  Individuals are encouraged to practice their landing stance while jumping in place.  When the form is perfected, it’s then advisable to slowly increase the height of the platform and the repetition.

Bench presses also lead to their share of injuries because people will grip the bar the same way they would do pushups, which can leave too much space between the person’s hands.  This has the potential to cause soft tissue damage near the shoulders, eventually leading to a rotator cuff tear.  Instead, exercisers should picture themselves as a zombie when they’re on their back:  hands stuck straight out from the shoulders when fully extended, elbows by the ribcage when not.

Another common cause of stress and injury is holding a hefty barbell and then bending to either side.  This can lead to hyperextension when the body isn’t ready for such strain.  Persons inexperienced with the technique are cautioned against this workout; in its stead, they could try the same thing without the weights.  Simply tense up your stomach muscles and lean from one side to the other.

Some techniques should only be conducted under the watchful eye of a personal trainer, such as anything that requires a weight to be lifted above your head.  Many people will overestimate how much weight they can handle, and the subsequent shaking and straining can injure their backs.

Instead, any overhead lifting should begin with a straight back, accomplished by tightening the abdominal muscles.  Much of the lifting should actually be conducted by the legs and arms.

Attention to safety is particularly important when it comes to something called a power clean, which has the potential to place strain on the entire body, especially if not conducted correctly.  In lieu of this exacting maneuver, persons might instead squat with the barbell on their shoulders.  It’s also safer to use a dedicated overhead press machine with built-in safety mechanisms rather than free weights.


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