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Sticking Your Neck Out For Injury Prevention

Many adults will suffer from neck pain at some point in their lives.  The reasons can be manifold, but more often than not, something as simple as posture is to blame.  But no matter the cause of your neck pain, it’s important to realize that there are certain things you can do and situations you can avoid in order to reduce the condition and help you feel better.  A new report provides some helpful tips you can put into practice.

First, realize that perhaps the single most important thing you can do to aid neck health is by having good posture as you go about your day.  The human body is not designed to allow for the neck to lean forward unnaturally, or to twist repeatedly from side to side.  If you get in the habit of comporting yourself with your neck and back straight, be that in a sitting or a standing position, you may find that neck pain will be alleviated.

Think about all those activities in your daily life where your neck gets contorted away from its natural upstanding position.  When you look down to tie your shoes or even work on a computer, you put stress on your neck.  When you look over your shoulder for any reason, your neck goes away from its optimal spot.  And when you sleep, even something as simple as the placement of your pillow and your head on it can contribute to unnatural neck movements.

Try to minimize these movements if you can, and when they can’t be avoided, don’t leave your neck in the position for any extended period of time.  Try to get in the habit of sleeping with just one pillow rather than many, and try to prop objects like laptops up to eye level so that you’re not constantly craning forward.  Always bring your neck back to the standard upright position when you’re done.

There are also simple exercises you can take part in to further protect your health.  While standing up straight, slowly pivot your neck from side to side, which will release tension without adding to the stress already on your neck.  Rather than simply pivoting, you can also tilt your head to each side.

Realize that stress is also something that can contribute to neck pain.  Alleviate stress by doing those things that naturally relax you, whether that be something like going for a walk or watching a favorite television show.  Get a massage if you’re still having trouble getting rid of stress.

Finally, try applying hot and cold compresses to further reduce pain.  An ice pack is the way to go when you’re attempting to eliminate swelling, while a heating pad might be the way to go if your neck just feels excessively tight.


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