By Dr. Joseph Horrigan | Huffington Post | View Full Article
Dr. Joseph Horrigan’s latest piece for The Huffington Post tackles chronic low back pain and why stretching can actually worsen the problem. While many people dealing with low back pain believe stretching can help ease the soreness in the back, if the source is an injured intervertebral disc, the pain will most likely increase. The intervertebral disc, which provides space for the vertebrae, acts like a shock absorber. If injured, the disc can cause inflammation to the exiting spinal nerve root that runs down to your lower body. Attempting stretches to try and ease the pain will only aggravate an already inflamed nerve. Don’t try stretching if you feel a worsening of symptoms or until you discuss with your healthcare provider.
To read the complete post, click here.
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discmdgroup DISC Sports and Spine Center (DISC) is one of America’s foremost providers of minimally invasive spine procedures and advanced arthroscopic techniques. Our individually picked, highly specialized physicians apply both established and innovative solutions to diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate their patients in a one-stop, multi-disciplinary setting. With a wide range of specialists under one roof, the result is an unmatched continuity of care with more efficiency, less stress for the patient, and a zero MRSA infection rate. Read more articles by discmdgroup.