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Aging Needn't Mean An End to Exercise

As people age, the tendency is to cut back on the amount of exercise that takes place in a given day or week.  And although it’s perfectly acceptable to reduce more strenuous activities or to take part in activities that are less injury-prone, exercise should not be cut out of a person’s life entirely.

A new report focuses on some of those exercises that people can take part in in order to protect their bodies from aging-related pains and injuries.  We’d like to explore some of the recommendations and take a look at how to safely take part in those activities.  Most of the exercises will do remarkable things for a person’s body without posing unreasonable threats to health.

The first few activities are perhaps the easiest to take part in.  Instead of remaining inactive, particularly after retirement when it can be tempting to lounge around the house, you might develop a walking regimen.  You can start out by going around the block and then increasing the distance and even your pace over time.  If your body is up to it and if recommended by a physical trainer, you can even engage in some light jogging.  Not only does this have physical benefits, but the report points out that such an active lifestyle also helps discourage the onset of dementia and memory problems.

For some aging persons, the constant jolting accompanied by jogging may be too much.  In that case, it might be worth it to explore the possibilities of swimming.  Without your feet pounding repeatedly against the pavement, you get all the benefits of exercise with less potential for impact injuries.  Swimming will be a particular godsend for many people who suffer from arthritis.  When you strengthen your muscles and bones during swimming, your chances of falling while up and getting around are lessened as is the risk of injury when a fall does occur.

Weight lifting is another great way to strengthen your musculoskeletal structure.  Such exercise doesn’t have to be excessive.  Some light weights for a short period of time a few times a week should be enough to improve your health.  As with other exercises, a physical trainer can instruct you about the proper techniques and the muscle groups you’re going to want to work out.

Finally, think about focusing on the types of activities that promote balance and limberness.  That would include such exercises as yoga and tai chi. What’s nice about these types of actions is that they won’t cause tiredness or exhaustion the way some other exercises might.  You’re basically strengthening your muscles while improving upon balance and thus reducing your risk of falling and sustaining an injury.

Age doesn’t mean you have to live an inactive life.  Speak with your doctor and a trainer to find out what kind of actions will help you live longer and happier.


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