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Change The Corporate Attitude Toward Fitness

It’s actually in the best interest of an employer to help their employees stay healthy.  In doing, a company can minimize sick days and cut down on those trips to the doctor that play into health claims.  Healthy workers also mean fewer on-the-job injuries.  If you’re an employer who’s enthusiastic about helping workers stay healthy so as to avoid injuries, then consider some of the tips out of Tallahassee in a new report.

One takeaway that’s important to note is how an employer can actually improve enrollment in a work fitness program if health screenings are made available at work.  When people can see a wellness program promoted for weeks, with signs and emails noting its presence, they’ll get excited about the program and potentially show up in droves to take part.  This kind of attention to fitness can change the attitude of an entire corporation.

If you really want to help your employees take more of an active interest in their health, you can even offer benefits that go beyond simply healthy living.  Let employees know that you’ll take over half of the payments to a gym membership, or if they stay active in a fitness plan for a certain amount of time, they’ll get a $100 gift card.  These kinds of small things can pay huge dividends for productivity and retention.


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