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Diagnosing and Treating Typical Childhood Injuries

Even if your children don’t play organized sports, chances are that they’re still going to be active in at least some manner.  Whether that means they’re running around the playground and all available equipment or simply playing in your backyard, there’s always a risk that they’ll be injured.  To prepare yourself for some occurrences, you might think about some of the injury identification and prevention tips included in a new report.

The orthopedic surgeon interviewed for the article notes that prevention can only take you so far.  As stated above, the active nature of most children all but ensures they’ll take some type of damage at some point.  You can limit exposure, though, by ensuring that all necessary gear is being worn and that kids know the precautions to take.  More importantly, the risk of an injury is lessened when parents are around due to the simple fact that children are less likely to attempt daredevil maneuvers when under the watchful gaze of a parent.

If you’re watching your child and you suspect that they’ve been injured, or they come home and you suspect the same, there are certain things that may point to the severity of what you’re dealing with.

Should your child be holding their wrist, or grimace when they move it, figure out whether you’re dealing with a break or a sprain.  Determining this usually hinges on the amount of movement your child is able to take part in.  If they’re having no problem pivoting their wrist in every direction, RICE might be in order (rest, ice, compression, and elevation).  However, if the pain persists, the swelling fails to go down, you can actually identify abnormal bone position when you’re examining the child, or hardly any movement at all is possible, a doctor should be sought, as a break may have taken place.

When it comes to the lower extremities, parents have to be cognizant of the threat posed by an MCL and an ACL tear.  If you’re supervising an activity your child is taking part in and you hear a noticeable pop, you could very well be dealing with an ACL problem. Swelling will follow shortly.  A sprain isn’t as serious, but a tear will likely end in your child not even being able to place any weight on the knee.  This must necessitate immediate medical attention, as there’s a chance that a brace or surgery could be in the cards.  Similar symptoms near the ankle could be indicative of a break or a tear in that vicinity as well.


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