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Early Workout Planning Actually Starts Late At Night

A lot of exercise is simple planning.  It’s figuring out when you’re going to be able to work out and determining how to accommodate fitness into your schedule.  If waking up early in the morning to exercise prior to heading to work is proving difficult for you, then you might consider some of the tips available in a new report from Shape.

The advice hinges on the very astute idea that you have to actually gear up for the exercise the night before rather than try to do everything all at once the morning of.  When you’re trying to get yourself together in the morning, it’s easy to throw in the towel and sleep in an extra half hour.

It’s not a bad idea to gather your workout gear as part of your nighttime ritual.  That way, you won’t let a slight deterrent prevent you from reaping the benefits of a daily or near-daily workout.  Establishing a bedtime routine in this way also helps you get in the mindset of sleep, helping you to decompress from the day prior.

It’s important to look at a morning workout as just another part of your schedule.  You hopefully would never approach clocking in at work on time as optional, so try to get in that mindset with exercise.  The good news is that exercise can be a lot more fun and healthy than work.


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