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A Need For Speed Shouldn't Put You At Risk For An Injury

If you want to exercise right, in a way that will allow your body to benefit without putting you at risk for an injury, you need plenty of time.  An hour is a great benchmark to shoot for, but if you’re busy with any number of things clamoring for attention in your life, then saying you should take an hour to exercise is likely to be met with stunned silence.  For a lot of people, there simply isn’t enough time in the day.

That’s unfortunate when you realize that many attempts to speed up a workout are just as likely to be accompanied by an injury than they are to offer improvement to your body.  When exercise happens in a rush, a person tends to lose emphasis on form.  They don’t go through the movements necessary to protect their bones and muscles, and they don’t pay the requisite amount of attention to all other aspects of the workout because their mind is elsewhere.

If this sounds like you, then you should think about some of the tips available in a new report from People.  That article offers insights into the ways to speed up a workout.  If you intend to put these options into practice, just remember that speed should never come at the cost of proper function, because you open yourself up to a sports injury if it does.

One seemingly insignificant (but actually quite important) way to expedite the workout process is to simply go into a given workout with a plan in mind.  Rather than simply figure out on the spot what kind of exercise you’re going to do at the gym or what machines you’re going to use, know this information beforehand.  That way, rather than scratch your head looking around, you’ll be able to immediately take to your exercise of choice.

You also help yourself out a lot by knowing how to execute a given move before you actually get on a machine.  Otherwise, you have to spend time reading the instructions or figuring out the movements on your own, and this can take time.  Not knowing precisely how to use a machine or conduct an exercise can lead to compromised form that breeds an injury.  Work with a trainer or take some sort of course that will enable you to gain a better understanding of the various machines and processes in place, as you can use this knowledge for every subsequent workout.

Helping matters in this regard will also be the time you work out.  Try to avoid the most crowded times of the day at the gym, as a facility that’s more sparsely populated will more readily allow you to use the machines you want.


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