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How To Prepare Your Body For An Impending Ski Trip

If your fall and winter plans revolve around going on some kind of skiing or snowboarding trip, then it’s important to get yourself into the right shape before you head out.  Persons who engage in these activities should treat them just like they would any other type of physical exercise.  If you start getting ready now, you can take some critical steps toward avoiding injury once you get to the mountain.  A new report relates what those steps would be with some help from experts in the state of Colorado.

The best fitness regimen is one that works out multiple parts of the body.  Because many skiers tend to lean forward a lot when going down a given course, the lower back is going to take a lot of strain.  After a couple of days going hard down the mountain, a person may need time to rest because of the pain that has accumulated.  Therefore, you’ll want to stretch out and exercise your back.

You also need to pay attention to ACL health in the days and weeks leading up to a ski trip.  If you have trouble landing properly when you suffer a spill (if you come down in a knock-kneed fashion, for instance), then an ACL injury can become far more likely.  Paying attention to how you come down on your feet and adjusting your form can protect yourself, as can getting in the habit of gliding to a safe stop rather than trying to suddenly bring yourself to a halt.

ACL health can also be improved by exercising in a way that’s going to aid quad, hamstring, and glut health.  If you can achieve balance across all of these areas by working with a physical trainer who can inform you of the best regimen, you’ll find that you feel better at the end of a trip.  Your legs won’t be as stressed and you’ll be far less likely to suffer an injury.

Another trainer notes that someone preparing for a ski trip can’t simply focus on their legs, as an overall exercise regimen is needed to ensure health and safety.  Otherwise, it would be akin to a runner who only runs without doing anything to help out the rest of their body.

Therefore, you want to alight upon the type of stretching and strength exercises that can develop flexibility throughout your body.  That way, you’ll be able to bounce back more readily should you suffer some type of a fall.


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