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Skiing Safety Must Begin Long Before A Trip

If you’re going to be taking a long weekend over the next couple of months to indulge in a skiing vacation, then it’s imperative that you start preparing early for what’s ahead.  Far too many people hit the slopes without taking part in any kind of physical activities beforehand, and that’s a mistake.  Such persons are likely to be injured and come back in a cast.  To make sure that won’t be you, consider the tips on hand in a new report.

Let’s say you’re planning on getting away sometime in December.  That means that you might already be playing catch-up with fitness.  Ideally, you’ll start getting your body ready for skiing three months in advance.  If that point in time has already come and gone, then starting to work out six weeks ahead of time is acceptable.

A cardiovascular regimen is going to be your best bet so that you won’t easily be winded when you’re going up and down the mountain, and this type of exercise can be supplemented with a targeted approach to leg strengthening.  You’re going to be putting a lot of stress on your legs over the course of the trip, and you absolutely need them to be strong enough to support you throughout.  You can strengthen your legs by using a cross-training machine or riding a bike at regular intervals.

Getting a lot of stretching in can also be a good way to get your body ready for skiing.  During skiing, you will be contorted into positions you’re not used to during your average workday, and the more you can make yourself flexible, the more likely you are to be able to stave off an injury.  If you have some sort of prior injury, you ought to speak with a doctor to figure out if a ski trip would even be appropriate and how you can exercise to promote good health.

You also have to be careful with the equipment you use.  You may not be accustomed to the intricacies of rented products or else your own items may have deteriorated since last you used them.  Either situation could contribute to an injury if you’re not strapped in correctly, so make sure you know how to use everything and that it’s in the right shape prior to skiing.

Skiing should also not take place when an excessive amount of alcohol is in your system.  This imperils your judgment and your motor skills and opens you up to injury.  Also realize the one place where caution needs to be taken but often isn’t: the ski lift.  Know what direction you and your seat mate are going to disembark and make sure you’re steady on your feet as you exit.


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