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How Tennis Players Can Get Ready For A Match

Tennis players open themselves up to numerous types of injuries the longer they play.  Not only do such persons have to worry about those acute injuries that can result from planting wrong or taking a tumble when diving for a ball, but the constant repetition of certain motions can also contribute to a number of dangers on the court.  To protect yourself from these injuries, think about enacting some of the tips included in a new report.

One of the most important things you can do to aid your overall health is engage in certain warm up activities prior to even swinging a tennis racquet.  A jog is perhaps your best option when you’re trying to get your blood flowing, but you should also consider the possibility of a rowing machine, an elliptical, or even a stationary bike if such equipment is available nearby.  Also make sure that you stretch prior to engaging in this warm-up or any other type of activity.

The report places a particular focus on keeping legs and the lower core area healthy.  To do that, try to intersperse your warmup jog with a couple of different activities, all of which are at their optimum when you’re keeping your back straight and your stomach as taut as possible.

To start, try something like a series of high knees to warm up your legs.  And on the opposite end of the spectrum, you can also pay attention to lifting your feet and striking them against your posterior as you run.  It may also help to skip for awhile or to alter your running stance entirely so that you’re shuffling your feet sideways as you move your body.

Another way that tennis players can stretch out is to approach the net and then stand with one hand positioned on it for balance.  From there, lift the leg furthest away from the net and hold it out in front of you.  Move that leg off to the side and then behind and around you, making sure to maintain balance while you do so.  You should feel the tension released in your thigh area when you do this correctly.

You can also put into practice a warmup exercise that will require you to stand in place while you pump your legs up and down.  The best way to go about this is to start slow and then gradually increase your speed until you really feel your body start to respond to the exercise.


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