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Bladder Control Restoration Achieved in Rats After Spinal Cord Cutting

Scientists in Cleveland have been able to achieve minor spinal cord function restoration in rats, and in doing, the hope is that the process could be a small step toward spinal cord repair in humans....

Patient Education

Exercise Used By Project Walk to Promote Improved Mobility

There was a time when people who had suffered a spinal cord injury were left with scant options when it came to continued treatment. But now, thanks to organizations like Project Walk, those persons...

Patient Education

An Examination of Asiana Airlines Crash Injuries

While most of the people on board the recently crashed Asiana Airlines flight escaped with their lives intact, the tragedy did lead to a number of spinal injuries that could require longterm...

Patient Education

NATA Sports Safety Guidelines Arrive In Time For The Start of School

We’re still very much in the throes of summer, but it won’t be long before students around the country begin to head back to school. Many of those students will be participating in youth sports,...

Patient Education

Foundation Strives to Promote Diving Safety

A new report takes a look at the good work being conducted by the ThinkFirst National Injury Prevention Foundation. Through their straight-forward Feet First initiative, the organization is...

Patient Education

How Turf And Grass Fields Stack Up To One Another

Prompted by a reader query, a new report finds a Colorado sports medicine specialist explaining what he sees as the differences between turf and grass fields. Understanding what separates these types...

Patient Education

Choosing The Right Time To Visit A Sports Medicine Doctor

Some people might believe that they’re not going to qualify for the services of a sports medicine doctor simply because they’re not an athlete.  But a new report outlines why this isn’t the case and...

Patient Education

Research Reveals Knee Movement's Effect on Stress Fracture Risk

Recent research has revealed a potential means with which athletes and members of the armed forces might be able to stave off the threat of stress fractures. The Director of Orthopaedic Research at...

Patient Education

CDC Details Dramatic Increase in Brain Trauma Related ER Visits

Troubling data about the threat of concussions among student athletes continues to emerge. Although fatalities appear to be on the decline, the number of actual visits to the emergency room is taking...

Patient Education

Help Your Student Athlete Avoid Concussions and Orthopedic Injuries

A recent report in the Washington Post takes a look at those injuries that are typically incurred by children when engaged in various sports activities. In addition to simply outlining potential...