Introduction to Spinal Cord Stimulators
Spinal cord stimulators (SCS) are a specific type of neurostimulator, a medical device designed to modulate neural activity by delivering electrical impulses to specific parts of the nervous system....
Spinal cord stimulators (SCS) are a specific type of neurostimulator, a medical device designed to modulate neural activity by delivering electrical impulses to specific parts of the nervous system....
Golf is a very physically demanding sport, and back pain is a common complaint among golfers, stemming from the repetitive motion of swinging a club coupled with poor posture and technique. However,...
A recent study published in the International Journal of Spine Surgery has found that cervical artificial disc replacement (C-ADR) is a superior option to anterior cervical discectomy and fusion...
If you’re experiencing neck or back pain, there are several decisions you’ll need to make before visiting the doctor. Based on the amount of pain you’re in, the degree to which the pain is...
If you’re struggling with relentless neck or back pain, it might be a good time to enlist the help of an orthopedic spine surgeon. Orthopedic spine surgeons specialize in both surgical and...
It’s safe to say that we’ve all experienced musculoskeletal pain at some point. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 50 percent of Americans reported...
Part of preparing for spine surgery is knowing what to expect after surgery. In addition to counseling you on managing post-operative pain or limiting your activities, your surgeon or...
Most cases of back or neck pain will resolve without the need for surgery, but for some people, surgery may actually be the best treatment. If you fall into this category and have been contemplating...
If you have a friend or family member who’s contemplating minimally invasive spine surgery, you are likely to have some questions and concerns. You want to support your loved one the best you can,...
Are you a UnitedHealthcare patient who’s considering spine surgery? When it comes to taking care of your health, it’s essential to make fully informed decisions about your medical treatments. So...
Did you know that a huge component of your surgeon’s job takes place before a single incision has even been made? Selecting the right surgical procedure for your individual case is necessary to help...
If you’ve been diagnosed with spinal cord compression in your neck, a procedure called cervical laminoplasty may be an option for treating it. But as with any surgery, it’s important you have all the...
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