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Patient Education

How Baby Boomers Can Keep Injuries At Bay

Persons between the ages of 49 to 67, collectively known as the Baby Boomer generation, have to take more steps to prevent injuries than persons in younger demographics. Exercise may become more...

Patient Education

How Women Can Make The Most Out Of Their Runs

For those persons who are thinking about getting into running, the first step is always going to be the most difficult. But once you actually take that leap and start moving your body on a regular...

Patient Education

Marathons Require Full-Body Preparation

It’s not just an individual’s legs that get put to the test during a marathon. Every part of the body needs to receive attention in order for runners to make it to the finish line. A lack of balance...

Patient Education

Always Room For Workout Improvement

No matter how you exercise, and no matter who you are, there’s probably room for improvement that you may not have thought of. Even professional athletes are constantly refining and perfecting their...

Patient Education

Protect Your Back During Pre-Holiday Activities

With Halloween receding into the background, people around the country can turn their focus onto something much spookier: the holidays. As people get ready for the upcoming festivities, much time...

Patient Education

Introduce Variety To Your Exercise

They say that variety is the spice of life, and that holds true for working out as well. The more that an individual can keep his or her body on its toes, so to speak, the more likely he or she will...

Patient Education

Proper Exercise Critical to Avoiding Golf Injuries

When people tend to think about sports injuries, they picture concussions associated with football, ACL injuries associated with soccer, or maybe shoulder injuries that may come along with baseball...

Patient Education

Factors That Contribute To Fall Injuries, And How To Eliminate Them

One of the top reasons that persons check in to the hospital to receive treatment for back problems, joint issues, fractures, sprains, and more, is simpler than many people probably realize: falling....

Patient Education

Study Reveals Student Athlete Injury Trends, Prevention Tactics

A new study has come out which points to some startling injury trends among young athletes. Understanding the risks that young athletes face is essential to also understanding the ways that injury...

Patient Education

The Best Kept Secret For Strengthening Your Neck and Back

Why MedX Can Prevent Back and Neck Pain

Patient Education

Know When To Bring Your Child In To A Doctor

As a parent, it’s hard to determine when a child’s injury is something that can be chalked up to growing pains and when it needs to prompt a visit to the doctor. It’s imperative that all parents...

Patient Education

Protect Your Rotator Cuff When Lifting Weights

Weight lifting is a great way to maintain a healthy body and supplement some of the cardio work favored by many athletes. Under the direction of a personal trainer, it can even help you recover more...