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Patient Education

The Core Of Exercise

A new article takes a look at the ways that an individual might be able to improve their abdominal muscles through the right exercise and a healthy diet. If you’re looking to prioritize such a goal,...

Patient Education

How To Use Exercise To Produce Visible Results

There’s nothing more frustrating for someone who exercises than to be heavily invested in a workout for weeks or months at a time and not see the results they thought they would achieve. Many times,...

Patient Education

Take An Active Role In Helping Your Kids Overcome Injuries

With fall sports on the way, now is the time to take a vested interest in your child’s health, especially if they have injuries in their past that require additional care. A new article focuses on...

Patient Education

Stand Up Against Sitting

A large swath of society probably spends more time with their chairs than they do their friends and loved ones. After waking up, we drive to work, then we sit in an office for upwards of eight hours...

Patient Education

Be Cautious As Students Return To Fall Sports

If your children are getting ready to head back to school and take part in fall sports, then the time to start thinking about how to protect them from sports injuries is right now. A new article out...

Patient Education

Understanding The Injury Potential Of Bounce Houses

Children can suffer orthopedic injuries in a number of different environments, but there’s one situation that tends to breed such injuries in droves: bounce houses. Kids get all sorts of excited when...

Patient Education

Football Training Insights That Anyone Could Use

In little more than a month, the football season will start anew, giving people across the country an excuse to stare with rapt attention at the television all weekend long (not to mention Thursdays...

Patient Education

Distinguishing Growing Pains From Real Danger

As your child enters his or her teenage years, they’re going to go through growing pains, and it’s at these times that you may notice your child walking in a way that suggests they’re in pain. While...

Patient Education

Don't Let The Heat Get You Down

Coping with the summer heat is a daunting chore for people who prefer to conduct their exercise in the relative cool. But if you’re intent on sticking with an outdoor workout for the duration of the...

Patient Education

A Need For Speed Shouldn't Put You At Risk For An Injury

If you want to exercise right, in a way that will allow your body to benefit without putting you at risk for an injury, you need plenty of time. An hour is a great benchmark to shoot for, but if...

Patient Education

How Water And A Time Change Can Ease Summer Exercise Woes

With Southern California in the throes of a record-breaking drought, trying to get the exercise you need to stay in shape cam seem even more daunting than usual. In order to cope with the heat, it...

Patient Education

Don't Get Jealous; Get Exercise!

When the kids are off for summer break, it’s easy to look at them and get a bit jealous of days spent lounging around with friends, hitting the pool, and playing videogames. In fact, it’s enough to...